Real basketball for everyone...
Real basketball for everyone...
Step 1: Payment Method
Grades: | 1st to 4th |
Day: | Fridays (5 weeks) |
Date: | Mar 14 thru Apr 11 |
Time: | 3:30PM - 4:30PM |
Cost: | $180/player |
This 6 week afterschool program is perfect to get a child up and moving at the end of the school day. Each session combines real world basketball activities and fun competitions with professional coaches. First time or experienced players will improve their game and have a good time.
Boys and girls of all skill levels are encouraged to register with a portion of all proceeds to benefit the Bayberry School PTO.
For more information call:
Bayberry Elementary School
113 Bayberry Lane
Watchung, NJ
* 3% processing fee is added to on-line payments.
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